CS888 Theoretical Foundations of Light Transport Simulations — Winter 2025
Course Overview
This class will cover the theoretical foundations of light transport, from the perspective of a computer scientist that wishes to perform light transport simulations. The aim is to develop a strong understanding of the fundamentals of modern light transport formulations, their domains of applicability and the accompanying assumptions.
List of topics:
- Fermat’s Principle
- Ray optics (Hamiltonian optics) & the optical phase space
- The transition from ray to wave theories
- Diffraction
- Polarization
- Locality & incoherence in light transport simulations
- Optical coherence
- Incoherence due to uncertainty
Required prerequisites:
- Calculus, linear algebra and ODEs on an undergraduate level
Supplemental text books:
- Optics, Hecht
- Linear Ray and Wave Optics in Phase Space, Torre
- Introduction to the Theory of Coherence and Polarization of Light, Wolf
Text books are not mandatory, but recommended.
Grading: homework only